Category: American Construction


Sustainable Building Practices: The Role of Corrugated Metal Siding in Green Architecture

Interest in designing and building structures that require less energy to construct and operate and have less impact on the environment goes back to the 1970s when situations referred to as the “oil crisis” and the “energy crisis” occurred. The creation of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in 1993 and the development of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system in 1998 intensified that interest and gave designers, builders, and building owners objectives to strive for. Today, “green” building practices are embraced by businesses, government entities, and communities as essential for addressing climate change and resource scarcity. One material that stakeholders find especially useful in creating environmentally friendly buildings is corrugated [...]

Construction Vendor Management Checklist

If you’re a project manager in the construction industry, it’s safe to assume you know that under-managed vendors lead to hindered productivity and project delays, increasing inefficiencies and costs. When using a variety of different vendors, it’s critical to provide ongoing management to understand if things are working as they should or if you need to find a replacement. So, how do you develop a foolproof process for managing vendors? Our checklist below will walk you through best practices to help guide your management strategy and keep your vendors, and project, on track. Set (and Reinforce) Clear Expectations Throughout the vendor selection process, it’s important to clearly define the business goals and expectations. Let the vendors [...]

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