Rooftop solar panels are an increasingly popular way for building owners to address a facility’s energy demands. Whether solar energy meets a building’s requirements fully or partially, tapping into this abundant power source makes sense for many reasons.

As the idea of leveraging solar power starts moving toward a plan for implementing rooftop panels, owners may wonder, “What’s the best type of roof to accommodate this technology?” Asking that question is critical since you want to maximize the return on your investment in solar and ensure the panels are correctly supported.

This article delves into solar panels and metal roofing materials. It explains why building owners are turning to solar and the benefits of corrugated metal roofs. It also describes how implementing rooftop solar panels can open a company’s eyes to other opportunities for leveraging cheap, readily available solar power.


Before we explain the benefits of metal roofing for solar panel implementation, it’s helpful to understand why building owners are moving to solar. Some of the most significant advantages of implementing rooftop panels include:

  • Reduced energy costs: By generating their own power, building owners lessen their dependence on the grid, leading to substantial savings on utility bills.
  • Environmental benefits: Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that reduces a building’s carbon footprint and combats climate change.
  • Enhanced property value: Buildings with solar energy systems are often more attractive to potential buyers and tenants, increasing their overall value.
  • Government incentives: Tax credits, rebates, and other financial incentives can offset the initial investment and accelerate the return on investment.
  • Reliability: Solar energy systems offer a degree of energy independence, reducing vulnerability to grid outages and power disruptions.

As with any strategy for meeting energy demands, solar has drawbacks that building owners should consider. The upfront costs can be significant. For some owners, the initial investment may be prohibitive, although costs for solar power systems are decreasing while the cost of purchasing energy from utility companies continues to rise.

Another consideration is the intermittent nature of solar energy. While the sun is a virtually limitless energy source, cloudy days can temporarily reduce the amount of energy gathered by solar panels. Finally, some buildings have space constraints that make it difficult or impossible to mount rooftop solar panels.

Building owners who aren’t concerned with or affected by any of those issues and decide to move forward with a solar panel implementation should take specific steps before proceeding, including:

  • Conducting an energy usage analysis: It’s crucial to assess your building’s current consumption patterns to determine the appropriate solar system size and potential savings.
  • Assessing site suitability: You should measure your available roof space, evaluate your building’s orientation toward sunlight, and identify shading conditions to ensure your solar energy capture capability meets your goals and expectations.
  • Learning about financing options: To find the most suitable financing method, it is critical to explore outright purchases, leases, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and loans.
  • Reviewing local regulations: You must research zoning restrictions, permitting, and other legal requirements for solar panel installation and use in your area to ensure you comply.
  • Selecting a trustworthy installer: It’s crucial to choose a reputable company with experience in similar-sized projects and a solid track record.


Solar panel companies can install their products on top of most roofing materials. However, corrugated metal roofing stands out as a natural companion to solar panels, offering several benefits that make it an excellent support system. Some of the most vital advantages include:

Metal roofing has superior load-bearing strength. Corrugated metal roofing and its framing system can support even the densest deployment of solar panels. With a metal roof, you can be confident that you won’t encounter any problems associated with the added weight of solar panels.

Metal roofing provides exceptional durability and longevity. Corrugated metal roofs are renowned for their strength and durability. They can withstand harsh elements like heavy rain, hail, snow, and high winds. This durability makes a metal roof a long-lasting platform for solar panels, ensuring the installation remains secure for decades. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, which have a shorter lifespan, a metal roof will likely outlast the solar panels, minimizing the need for costly roof replacements during the system’s life.

It’s easy to install solar panels on a metal roof. Installing solar panels on corrugated metal is straightforward and often requires fewer penetrations than other roofing materials. This minimizes installation time, labor costs, and the risk of leaks or structural damage to the roof. Many solar installers favor using railed racking systems on corrugated metal, allowing for easy and secure panel attachment.

Metal roofing has superior reflectivity and cooler surface temperatures. Lower roof temperatures can enhance the efficiency of solar panels, as they tend to perform better in cooler conditions. Metal roofs have excellent reflectivity, especially those with light-colored or specialized coatings. This characteristic helps send the sun’s rays away from the building, reducing the heat absorbed into the structure.

Metal roofs are better for the environment. One of the reasons businesses (and consumers) appreciate solar panels is that they’re a more eco-friendly way to meet energy demands. Metal roofing is similarly “green” and contributes to sustainability efforts. Solar panels generate clean energy, while metal roofs are highly recyclable and don’t end up in landfills the way many other roofing materials often do. This combination creates an environmentally sound energy solution for businesses.


Another benefit of implementing rooftop solar panels is that it often broadens the perspective of building owners and business stakeholders on the benefits of solar energy. They complete their installation and then look around their properties for additional opportunities to lower their energy costs with solar panels supported by corrugated metal in various ways.

For instance, picture the sun beating down on the cars in a company’s parking lot on a hot summer day. Not only are the rays fading their paint, deteriorating their tires, and turning their interiors into ovens, but the energy doing all this damage is being wasted.

Now, imagine that the building owner installs carports with corrugated metal skeletons and solar panels for roofs. That is the definition of a win-win solution. Employees experience less sun-related vehicle damage and enjoy cooler temperatures when they get into their cars after work. Building owners reap the benefits of all the captured energy through lower energy bills. They also benefit from the goodwill of business owners and their employees.

Some business owners recognize the advantages of implementing small-scale solar farms on their properties, mimicking the success of larger installations often found in rural areas. The wisdom of their actions in creating small solar installations (sometimes called solar plants) is supported by statistics. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, small-scale solar photovoltaic systems generated 73.62 billion kWh of electricity in 2023, and solar panel technology continues to improve as manufacturers find ways to make the panels even more efficient.

Corrugated metal’s characteristics and the requirements of solar power systems are so aligned that corrugated aluminum panels are pivotal to a new wave in solar panel design.


The many benefits of metal roofs and solar panels have caused the market for these products to expand rapidly. For building owners, that’s a double-edged sword. On the positive side, connecting with a provider of metal roofing materials or solar energy collection systems is easier than ever. However, the surge in companies offering these products has stretched the product and service spectrum, with companies at the lower end potentially having inferior offerings.

Consequently, it’s essential to do your homework and choose a provider with extensive experience in their industry. For example, CMI has a long list of successful projects and happy customers in the United States and abroad. The positive outcomes of their metal roofing projects should give you confidence that we can meet your needs.

Similarly, you should ensure that the solar panel company you select has a reputation for excellent products and services. They should also be committed to ongoing research and innovation — especially in such a rapidly changing industry.


Solar power is creating a seismic shift in how building owners and businesses meet their energy demands. With their strength, durability, and other positive attributes, metal roofing systems are the perfect foundation for rooftop solar panels. Together, these systems can help stakeholders lower costs, reduce their environmental impact, and impress current and potential customers.

Are you considering a solar power initiative? If so, CMI is an experienced partner you can rely on to provide the metal roofing or other materials required for your project.

Whether you are ready to move forward now or are simply doing your due diligence for a future installation, we encourage you to contact CMI today. We’re happy to learn about your requirements and recommend a roofing solution that meets your needs.

The more you know about our products and services, the better positioned you will be to purchase them when the time is right.